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Fair-rite are a world leading ferrite manufacturer that specialise in two main areas,
Suppression and Power & Inductive components.
Fair-Rite offer a wide range of suppression products designed to help you solve all of your EMI issues, these include, board based components such as EMI suppression beads, surface mount beads (common mode), Multi aperture cores, chip beads, chip arrays and flexible ferrite sheets. They also offer a wide range of cable suppression products including, round and flat EMI suppression cores, Connector suppression plates and Snap-It cores.
Fair-Rite also offer the standard power and inductive ferrite products. The offer a wide range of standard shapes and geometries including Pot, E, EFD, ETD, EER, EP, Planar, PQ, RM and U cores in a range of materials each suited to specific applications. They offer a large range of toroids. By building on their core competencies Fair-Rite are able to offer a range of ferrite rods and bobbins.